MLTC Newsletter – 9 Sept 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 9 Sept 2024

Badge Wrap Up

Tennis NSW Sydney Badge Season wraps up, I am thrilled to relflect on an outstanding year of competition and sportsmanship. With 11 out of our 15 teams making it to the semifinals we exceeded all our expectations and proved once again the our club is a force to be reckoned with. This is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and team spirit shown by every player on the court.
A special congratulations goes to our captains for their leadership and their tireless efforts in guiding their teams through a challenging and exciting season. Your dedication has been instrumental in driving these remarkable results.
To the players, thank you for representing the club with pride, resilience and teamwork. You have each played a pivotal role in making this season one to remember. Let’s celebrate these accomplishments and look forward to building on this success in the next season.
Thank you to Denis Crowley who provided the wrap up of the week for all the men’s teams throughout the Badge Season.
Saturday Finals: 
From our 4 finalists, 1 team persisted maintaining resilience and  holding their nerve on 4 tiebreaker sets in the final to come away with a win 5-3 against a undefeated Chatwswood team.
Ladies Division 4 
Congratulations to Manly Ladies 4 for winning Division 4 this year, Team Captain Kate Platter, team members : Noriko Goto, Fiona Bevan, Ruth Jarvis, Susan Minihane, Rosi Winn, Rachel Williams, and Narelle Kinsey.
The final 4 : Noriko Goto, Kate Platter, Rachel Williams and Ruth Jarvis, shout out to Rosi Winn, who came to the semis and finals in the event o an injury and ready to play.
Noriko and Kate 3 sets and Ruth and Rachel 2 sets.
Mens Division 4
Manly Men’s 3, losing 5 -1 against Kooroora Men’s 5,
A tough match against the team first on the table.
Jon Corney and Daniel Glynn taking one set.
Ladies Division 2 (Saturday)
Manly Ladies 2 losing 6-0, against a very strong Eastern Suburbs team.
Ladies Division 2 (Thursday)
Manly Ladies 2 losing 7-1 against Cooper Park.
As the 2024 badge season has closed out, social is back on ….
Looking forward to everyone joining in on all courts from 1pm till 4pm.
Club Championships 
We are now preparing for the Manly Lawn Tennis Club Championships.
Entries will open in the next week, for all events, Singles, Mixed and Doubles.
Depending on the number of entries, Robin Robin or competition draw.  Further details to follow.
Seniors Tournaments and NSW State Masters Tournaments: 
Entries are now open for the NSW State Championships over the October Long Weekend.
Anyone wishing to play needs to register through the ITF website. We had a nice contingent in the 2023 Championships, looking forward to seeing a few more of our players this year.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary

Manly Ladies 4, Badge WINNERS Division 4, Winners 5-3

Manly Ladies 5 secured a thrilling victory in a very tight match again division leaders, Chatswood, managing to win all four tiebreakers.
Captain Kate said that though the opposition won more games overall, we claimed five sets to clinch the win! Noriko and I took the final set, but the real highlight was Ruth and Rachel’s incredible comeback, rallying from 5-2 down to win their second set in the first rubber. It was a huge effort from the entire team!
Congrats Ladies.

MLTC Newsletter – 3 Sept 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter 3 Sept 2024

End of Badge BBQ

With warmer weather upon us and one home final on Saturday join us for some tennis and a BBQ.

Membership Renewals

Everyone should have received their membership renewal. If you are now wishing to renew please contact myself or Sarah on [email protected] or [email protected]

Please pay this week.

Badge Report

Only Manly Men’s 3 Team progressed to the Final in Saturdays semis with a come from behind 5-3 win.Congratulations to all players and good luck in Saturdays final.
Our other four Men’s Teams all played well but suffered close losses.

Division 1 Badge Men’s 1 Lost 5-3 to Camden
Sean/Andre won 2 sets and Cam/Andrew 1 set. One more tiebreaker set to Manly and they win.Still a great season for the team.
Division 4 Men’s Won 5-3 away at Sylvania
Jon/Dan 3 sets and Fernando/Vincent 2 sets. The last set tiebreak win gave the match to Manly .This was a great win under pressure away from home and sets up a final next Saturday at Kooroora.
Division 9 Manly 6 Lost 5-3 away at Kooroora.
Andrew/Richard G 2 sets Denis/Richard B 1set. Two losing tiebreakers was the difference.
Division 11 Lost 5-3 away at Chatswood.
Barnaby/Daniel 2 sets Brett/Tim 1 set
A close loss but overall a good season for the team.
Division 12 Lost 5-1 to Sydney University
Bilal/Glen 1 set RayDummett/ Gordon lost several close sets.

A good  season for this team also.Sydney Uni had one very strong pair.
Unfortunately The Bulldogs lost to Manly but live to fight another day unlike our losing Badge Teams.
Our Ladies 2 Team play their Final at home this Saturday at midday so come along to cheer them home.
Denis Crowley

The 2024 Badge season is drawing to a close this weekend. Congratulations to all teams and players, it has been a challenging year with the weather, however all players should be proud of their results.

We have two Saturday Ladies teams and one Thursday Ladies Badge team in the finals this week.
Wrap up of the week:
Div 2 
Manly Ladies 2 vs Kooroora Ladies 2 Winning 5-2
Emily and Carolina winning 3 sets and Kirsten and Krista winning 2.
Playing at Home on Saturday at 1200 vs Eastern Suburbs.
Div 3 
Manly Ladies 3 vs Neutral Bay losing 1-5. Neutral Bay
Too good on the day. Tuila and Larissa winning 1 set.
Div 4 
Manly Ladies 4 v Tennis Valley winning 6-2
Noriko and Kate winning 4 sets, and Ruth and Rachel winning 2 sets.
Playing at Chatswood on Saturday against Chatswood 3.
Manly Ladies 5 vs Chatswood 3 – losing 7-1
Sally and Jada winning 1 set.
Thursday Badge
Div 1
Manly Ladies 1 vs Hunters Hill losing in a super tie breaker after a 4-4 draw and even on games.
Div 2 
Manly Ladies 2 vs Royal Sydney winning 6-2.
Barb and Lindy winning three seats and Jane and Erryn Winning three sets
Manly Ladies 2 will be playing Cooper Park on Thursday in the finals.
Good luck to the Mens and Womens teams in the finals this week.

Christine Club Captain

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary

MLTC Newsletter – 30 August 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 30 August 2024

Social Courts

Good luck to all our semi finalists tomorrow. There will be two social courts from 11.30am and from 3pm there will be four courts. Our Div 1 Men’s team will be playing at 2.50pm tomorrow so come and support them.

Club Championships

Club Championships will be starting from the weekend of 12/13 October and will continue on the 19/20 and 26/27 October. More information to follow.

AGM Date Saturday 9 November 2024

Christmas Party Saturday 30 November 2024

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary

Badge Tie Breaker Strategy | ATP

“With finals approaching do you have a philosophy for tiebreakers?”

Ah… tie breakers. Regrettably most people hate playing tiebreakers!  Why?

For some reason, as the pressure mounts towards the end of the set, many feel they have to overplay. Even though it was their current play that got them to the tie breaker!

Now is NOT the time for those trick shots, topspin lobs or the screaming sideline winner that just misses! CONSERVATISM is the name of the game. So what’s our preferred strategy?

First a little background.  At our Badge level whether Grade 1 or Grade 10, most points are LOST.  Read that again, yep most players beat themselves. Therefore, your basic strategy is to ‘give’ your opponent a chance to miss. You’ll find that, as the pressure builds after 3 or more shots, your opponent will try to finish the point and probably make an error.

So the basic strategy is strong and steady wins tie breakers. Get your first serve in, get your return of serve in play and hit your shots to ‘big targets’ typically down the centre of the court and midcourt to stay in the point.  You’re trying to get your opponents to hit the ball to your partner at the net, who has a much greater chance of winning the point for your team. 

And to improve that ‘first serve in’ percentage, take a little more time to prepare to serve (i.e. don’t rush) since this is the only time you have control of the point. Nothing happens until YOU serve — use the time to calm down with a little slow breathing. And perhaps, a little more spin to help your control if that’s within your capabilities, otherwise just aim for the middle of the service box. You want a 80% success rate.

When you’re receiving, err on the side of a higher net clearance and aim for the centre of the court to get into the point. A lob return can be a great return in a tie breaker. Even so, lob high — give ’em a chance to miss.

Recognize, there is no need to overplay and do more, rather just try to do more of what you’re been doing a little better. Trust yourself, your game, and do your best. Just keep playing. You might surprise yourself. I guarantee you’ll surprise your opposition!

And lastly, the most important point is always the next one. It’s never over until you shake hands.

Go Manly Lawn!

Read more: Psychology: Playing Tiebreakers


Badge Rules for Playoffss

Playoff Ties

If the sets and games are tied at the end of 4 rubbers in a playoff match (such as a semi-final or final), the following Badge rules apply:

1. *Tied Sets and Games*: If the semi-final or final match ends in a draw, with both sets won and games won being equal, a tiebreaker is used to determine the winner.

2. *Tiebreaker Procedure*: Both teams will select any two players to play one (1) doubles tiebreaker. This tiebreaker is played to 10 points, with the requirement to win by 2 points.

This ensures that a clear winner is determined in all semi-final and final matches.

Injured Player

If a player is injured during a semi-final match, the rules specify the following procedures:

1. *Retirement from a Rubber*: If a player is injured and forced to retire from a rubber, they cannot return to the court to play any other rubber in that match unless both captains agree, acting reasonably, that the player can return for a different rubber.

2. *Forfeiture of Sets and Points*: All incomplete or un-played sets at the time of the injury will be forfeited. The non-injured player or team will be awarded all points for these incomplete or un-played sets.

3. *Replacement of Injured Player*: An injured player may be replaced for their second rubber only during a semi-final or finals match. The replacement player must be a Base Player who has previously been listed in that team and is eligible to play in the finals. However, the injured player can only be replaced for the second rubber if the first rubber was forfeited due to the injury. The injured player cannot be replaced after completing their first rubber.

These rules ensure that the integrity of the competition is maintained while also providing a mechanism for teams to manage unexpected injuries during critical matches like semi-finals.

Source: Final-2024-Badge-Rules

MLTC Newsletter – 20 August 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 20 August 2024

Membership Renewals 2024/25

The club year finishes on 31st August and since 1st September is a Sunday, this year’s membership renewals will be emailed to all members on Monday 2nd September.
  • If you are not renewing your membership or are changing membership category, please email [email protected] ASAP – but by Friday 30th August at the latest.
Due to the rising costs of running the club, membership fees will increase slightly this year as follows:
  • Full $525
  • Intermediate & midweek $330
  • Junior $185
  • Overseas $240
  • Social $35
We still feel these are great value for a full year of tennis including Club Champs, Badge, great courts, new balls, BBQ’s and social events.


A reminder to all our Badge players on Saturday, it is your responsibility to keep the kitchen tidy put plates away and wipe down your tables before you leave.


Round 13 was not a good round for our top 5 Men’s Teams as all lost and this has affected their semi finals chances. However our Teams 6 ,7 and 8 all had wins to all but assure them of a semi finals position. Meanwhile,The Mighty Bulldogs as well as The Sea Eagles and Swans all won again to guarantee their semi finals positions.
Round 13 Results
Men’s Division 1

Lost 3-5 to Tennis World
Sean/Andre 2 sets Sven/Justin 1 set. Now in 2nd position but need to win or have a close result to guarantee a home semi final.
Men’s Division 2
Lost 1-7 at home to Neutral Bay
Jaymon Crabb just freshly back from coaching at The Olympics teamed up with his son Xander to help out by winning one set against a strong Neutral Bay team. In 6th position.
Men’s Division 4

Lost 7-1 to Neutral Bay. President Craig teamed up with Howard to win 1 set. Still in 3rd position.

Men’s Division 6

Lost 7-1 away to Mosman
Geoff/Larry won 1 set. In 4th position
Men’s Division 7 Lost 7-1 to Royal Sydney at home
Mike/Gabriel won 1 set. In 7th position
Men’s Division 9
Won 7-1 away at Kilara
Richard B freshly back from overseas teamed up with Graham to win 3 sets.
Richard G and Andrew continued their good form to win 4 sets. In 3rd position
Men’s Division 11
Won 4-4 on games v Sydney Uni
Brett/Barnaby 2 sets Tim/Paul 2 sets In 4th position
Men’s Division 12 Won 6-2 v Sydney University
Glen/Bilal won 2 sets .Four sets forfeited
Now guaranteed 2nd position and a home semifinal.
This Saturday is the final round of Badge so wins are essential for most Men’s Teams to guarantee a position in the top four.Good luck to all.
Denis Crowley.

We are now 13 out of 14 rounds down in Saturday and Thursday Badge.

6 out of the 7 Ladies teams are currently in the top 4, and looking good for the semi finals.
Congratulations to all players and teams for the results, for the matches played during this very disruptive season.
Saturday Badge 
Div 1: Manly Ladies 1 
Unfortunately, due to illness and injury, out Div 1 team had to forfeit on the weekend this currently leaves them in 7th position on the ladder.
Div 2 : Manly Ladies 2 
Another great win on Saturday against Eastern Suburbs 7-1 at home.
Sarah and Krista winning 4 sets and Carolina and Sarah Woodward winning 3.
Currently in 3rd position on the ladder
Div 3 : Manly Ladies 3 
Another win on Saturday against Eastern Suburbs 5-2
Tuila and Larissa winning 2 with one unfinished and Christine and Shelley winning 3 sets.
Currently 4th on the ladder.
Div 4 : 
Manly Ladies 4 Bye
Currently 3rd on the ladder
Manly Ladies 5 
A big win on Saturday for the Manly 5 team against Sydney University ladies ,  7-1
Sally and Suellen winning 4 sets and Jada and Rose winning 3
Currently 4th on the ladder.
This weekend’s match for Ladies 5 is critical for staying in 4th.
Thursday Ladies Badge
Neither teams played due to rain. 
Div 1 Manly Ladies 1
Currently in 1st position
Div 2 Manly Ladies 2 
Currently in 2nd position.
Good luck to all teams for this week’s matches. 

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary

Whatever Happen to the AskThePro column?

I have always enjoyed reading the “AskThePro” column. However, I noticed that it hasn’t been updated for some time, and I wanted to inquire if there have been any changes to the schedule or if the column has been discontinued.

I greatly appreciated the insights and tips shared in the column. If there are any plans to bring it back or if it’s available through another medium, I would love to know.

Thank you for your enquiry and for being a dedicated reader of the “AskThePro” column. The “AskThePro” column has a new home at TennisWhisperer.

We’ve moved the column there to reach a broader audience and to focus on teaching tennis strategy. You can continue enjoying the same great insights and tips from our pros at the new site.

Here’s a few of our recent columns:


MLTC Newsletter – 05 August 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter 5 Aug 2024

Welcome Ruby

Sean White and his partner welcomed their first child Ruby into the world a few weeks ago. I am sure all our members wish them well for the sleepless nights and magic moments ahead of them.

Badge Results

Sunny skies allowed Round 11 of Sydney Badge to be played in full .
Most of our Men’s Teams are playing towards a top 4 spot like The Bulldogs in NRL.
Division 1 Men’s  Won 4-4 on games v Sydney Uni
Andre/Cam won all 4 sets to set up victory.The team is sitting on top of the table.
Division 2 Won 4-4 on games away at Mortdale.
Both pairs won 2 sets each Todd/Bede and the two Steves.
Now in 5th position.
Division 4 Won 5-2 away at Sydney Uni.
Vincent/Fernando won 4 sets Jon/Howard 1 set with one unfinished
In 2nd position
Division 6 Won 6-2 at home v Sydney Uni
Geoff/Larry 2 sets and 4 sets forfeited
In first position
Division 7 Lost 5-3 away to Tennis Valley
Mike /Gabriel 2 sets Tom/James 1 set
In 8th position
Division 9 Won 6-1 at home v One Love
Graham/Denis 3 sets Andrew/FF Chris 3 sets and one unfinished
There was no love after the match as One Love members packed their bags and took off without saying good bye! We still enjoyed a drink and all the food!
Now in 4th position
Division 11 Lost 5-3 away at Chatswood
Daniel/Barnaby continued their good form to win 3 sets.
Clinging to 4th spot .Barnaby and Daniel need some help in the next few matches from the rest of the team. So practice up guys!
Division 12 Lost 4-4 on games at Marrickville
Glen/ Bilal won all four sets.Ray D and Ian enjoyed the after drinks and food.
Now in 2nd position
Only three weeks to go to semi finals so all teams need to practice hard.
Denis Crowley

Three matches to go and Manly still remains strong with 3/5 Saturday teams in the top 4 and both Thursday women’s teams in top 4.

Both of our ladies division 4 teams were washed out at Sydney University this weekend, only 3 teams played.

Div 1
Manly Ladies 1 – fantastic result against Sydney University Lionesses winning 3-2, Nicola and Lisa winning 2 sets with ind unfinished, and Caroline and Marina winning 1 set with 2 unfinished.
Manly moving up to 6th position.

Div 2
Manly Ladies 2 – winning in a very tight match 4-3 against Koorora 2 with one set unfinished. Virginia and Kirsten winning 2 sets, and one unfinished, Sarah and Krista also winning two sets.
Remaining in 3rd position.

Div 3
Manly ladies 3 losing against the Neutral Bay on games 4-4, Cara and Larissa winning 3 sets and Christine and Penny winning 1 set.

Remaining in 4th position.

Div 4
Manly 4 remaining in 2nd position and Manly 5 in 5th.

Thursday Ladies Badge
Neither teams playing on Thursday.

Div 1 – Manly Ladies 1 remain in 1st

Div 2 – Manly Ladies 2 in 3rd position.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary

MLTC Newsletter – 30 July 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 30 July 2024

Jordan’s Memorial Service

A memorial gathering will be held for Jordan Hanbury-Brown on Friday the second of August from 12-4pm at Manly (South Steyne) Surf Club. Family will share reflections from 1pm.

There will be a memory board for guests to add photos or written memories that you would like to share – so please bring or share in your rsvp email your favourite photos of Jordan.

All are welcome so please feel free to share this, however an RSVP is appreciated for catering purposes to [email protected]m

Badge Results

Rain again played havoc with Sydney Badge. Only Manly Teams that played at home were lucky enough to play morning matches. And most synthetic grass court clubs played afternoon matches.
Three of our teams were away to Strathfield and were washed out.
Division 1 Men’s Washout. Still 1st on ladder
Division 2 Men’s Lost 7-1 at home.
One set was won on forfeit. The pairings of Bede and Xander Crabb and Jono and Harry struggled against a strong Voyager Team.
Division 4 Men’s Won 7-1 away at Kooroora
Jon/Dan won 4 sets Victor/Sean 3 sets  Now 2nd on the ladder
Division 6 Men’s  Washout Still 2nd on ladder
Division 7 Men’s washout Now 7th on ladder
Division 9 Men’s washout Now 5th on ladder
Division 11 Men’s Lost 4-4 on games v Collaroy at home
Both pairs won 2 sets. Barnaby/Brett and Tim/Paul  Still 4th on ladder
Division 12 Men’s Washout Still 1st on ladder.

The PMs Marrickville Team had a washout and remain on the bottom of the ladder.
The PM was in Canberra reshuffling his Cabinet and stayed on to watch his Rabbitohs shuffle their way to another loss in the NRL.
Meanwhile the Blues won the State of Origin and The Blue and White Bulldogs march on to the Grand Final!
My Sportsbet account is looking healthy now and will be more flushed when The Bulldogs make the Finals.
Denis Crowley.

Saturday Women’s Badge 

Div 1 
Manly Ladies 1 losing 6 -2 in a tough match against Roseville 1, with Nicola and Bryanne winning to 2 sets.
Currently 7th on the ladder.
Div 2 
Manly Ladies 2 winning 4-4 on games against NWST the team coming first 4. With Sarah and Krista winning 2 sets, and Virginia and Kirsten winning 2 sets.
Currently 3rd on the ladder
Div 3
Manly ladies 3 Losing 6-2 in a tough match against Chatswood 2 – with Tuila and Shelley winning one set, and Christine and Penny winning one set.
Currently 4th on the ladder.
Div 4.
Neither Manly Ladies 4 or 5 teams playing on the weekend. .
Manly 4, 2nd on the ladder and Manly 5, 5th on the ladder.
Thursday Laddies badge
Div 1 
Another strong win for the division 1 ladies, against Hunter’s Hill winning 6-2  Krista and Sarah Bunting winning all 4 sets, and Cara and Sarah Woodward winning 2.
They remain 1st on the ladder.
Div 2 
Another great win against Chatswood 1 4-3 with Lindy and Narelle winning 2 sets, and Barb and Lisa winning two sets.
Currently 3rd on the ladder.
This weekend will see both the Manly Men’s 1 and manly ladies 1 at home at 1450.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary

MLTC Newsletter – 18 July 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 18 July 2024

Vale Jordan Hanbury-Brown

We were shocked to learn earlier this week our friend and tennis partner Jordan passed away. Many of us were just talking and playing with Jordan last Saturday, myself included. When more information comes to hand I will be letting members know of his funeral details.

Working Bee this Saturday

For those around this Saturday we will be doing a clean up from 1pm and a bbq to follow.


With our membership very full we are asking for no visitors during social on Tuesday and Thursday. When memberships are renewed on Sept 1 we will know our membership numbers and can open up to visitors and new memberships after that.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary

MLTC Newsletter – 9 July 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 9 July 2024

Working Bee – Saturday 20th July 1pm

The outside BBQ area is due for a tidy up. Please come and help with a clean up. Then play some tennis, we will be putting on a BBQ.

Saturday Social

When Badge is on a break during July school hols, all 6 courts are social from 1-4pm Sat, players may not arrange their own groups during this time. Players can organise their own sets if courts allow between 11.30am-1pm and after 4pm. Anyone arranging their own sets during these times are still encouraged to join social for at least one set.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary